Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How to make a no knit- no crochet - now sew scarf

I saw these scarves on Etsy selling for $30.00. They were literally just long strips of yarn tied into 3 know and nothing else. I knew I could easily recreate that  with scrap yarn I had at home. So I made one that was just like theirs- long pieces of different yarn (about 4-6 types) and then knotted once in the middle and then again in on each side. It was simple, but looked like I had hoped. The next one I tried I made a few adjustments and love it even more than the original.

Here's the process:

Step 1: I decided how long I wanted the scarf to be, then I added 12" because that's about what I lost when I tied the knots.

Step 2: I cut all the yarn I wanted in my scarf to equal lengths. (this doesn't have to be perfect since you will trim the ends even) I just eyeballed it as to how many peices I wanted. I would guess that I used about 50-75 strands total, but it would depend on the thickness of the yarns you choose.

Step 3: I knotted the entire thing in the middle.

Step 4: Here's where I changed it up from the original. I sectioned one side into 3 equal-ish sections. Then I braided 2 of the 3 and left the 3rd section as loose yarn.

Step 5: I knotted the side that I had just braided in 2 spots. Approximatley 1/3 of the way down and 2/3's of the way down. Just knot where ever it feels right to you.

Step 6: Repeat steps 4 & 5 on the other side.

Step 7: Cut the ends so they are even.

Finished! Super easy and probably took me less that 15 minutes. The finished product is being modeled by Kyle, my adorable 5 year old daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks!!! I've got a little basket of hats and scarves for sale at a local coffeeshop, and this will be a perfect addition. Plus no more scrap yarn! Perfect!
